After completion of the course, students will be able to: This course is intended for juniors and seniors interested in the computationally exploring the design of natural and engineered biological systems. The actual course title is Introduction to Biological System Design.
This is the course homepage for ENGR 164, listed as Introduction to Biomedical Engineering in the Engineering course catalog at Harvey Mudd College for Spring 2021-22 semester. GradeScope: For assignment submissions and tracking grades for the problem sets.Piazza: For all class related discussion, homework Q&A, and general announcements.Schedule any other office hour as you may need by sending me an email. Office hours: Monday 12 - 1pm on Zoom and Tuesday 4-5 pm after class.Instructor: Ayush Pandey (e-mail: Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 2.45 pm - 4 pm, location: on Zoom until 31st Jan.ENGR 164: Introduction to Biological System Design.